
Issuances in the Capital Markets

Issuances in the Capital Markets

Issuances in the Capital Markets

Issue Type Issue Date Asset Series Maturity Principal Rate (P.A.)¹ Payment of Interest
5th Debenture 10/09/2024 ARML15 1 09/25/2031 R$ 616.6 mm CDI + 1.35% Semiannually
ARML25 2 09/25/2033 R$ 383.4 mm CDI + 1.60% Semiannually
4th Debenture 03/15/2024 ARML14 1 03/15/2032 R$ 694.4 mm CDI + 1.90% Semiannually
3rd Debenture 11/04/2022 ARML13 1 11/04/2029 R$ 300.0 mm CDI+2.35% Annually
2nd Debenture 11/25/2021 ARML12 1 11/25/2028 R$ 1,000.0 mm CDI+2.5% Semiannually
1st CRA 07/21/2022 CRA022007KG 1 06/13/2028 R$ 101.7 mm CDI+1.65% Semiannually
CRA022007KH 2 06/13/2029 R$ 398.3 mm IPCA+7.57% Semiannually